AHAM Community
Conscious CommunityOver the years, AHAM has attracted people from all faiths, cultures and varying walks of life into our Conscious Curriculum. Many of those who have chosen to get involved in AHAM as a Conscious Community have made a commitment to “Living Free!” and are actively involved in AHAM’s mission and purpose of bringing this very important teaching and spiritual practice to the entire world.
If the mind is happy,
not only the body
but the whole world will be happy.
So one must find out
how to become happy oneself.
Wanting to transform the world
without discovering one's true self
is like trying to cover the whole world with leather
to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns.
It is much simpler to wear shoes.
— Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
Read the article from AHAM’s Founder, A. Ramana
Read the article from AHAM’s Co-founder, Elizabeth: |