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An Assurance Of Personal Prosperity

[In the following article, experience living from “prosperity consciousness.”  We invite you to read this thoroughly before considering your tithe pledge.]

When we awaken to and recognize God as the Source of all our supply, and stay attuned and aligned with Him as that Source, we are naturally prospered.  This is a Spiritual Principle, or God’s Law.  “Tithing” is a conscious way to remain awake to this principle of Truth no matter what the outer circumstances may be.

The way a person tithes today is not different than in biblical times.  One merely gives a percentage – usually “a tenth part” (10%) – of all income received back to God.  Or, one gives a regular contribution of a fixed amount on a consistent basis, proportionate to your usual income, and to the benefits you are deriving from being alive; and, from your source of spiritual understanding and support.  God, as the Self in us, as us, will then work in your life to prosper you.


The ancient biblical promise, made to anyone who tithes, is the ongoing assurance of increased and continued prosperity; and, protection from personal and financial loss even during major crises or economically hard times.  Jehovah promised Abraham, after he had tithed, “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” (Genesis 15:1)  And, Malachi shared it this way, “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse and thereby put me to the test, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing for which there is no container great enough to hold.”  (Malachi 3:7-10)


Your tithe or regular donation is being “given to God” when you contribute to the financial support of any active spiritual community from which you receive your on-going spiritual “food,” or your spiritual guidance and instruction.  This would most likely be what serves as your most compatible “spiritual home.”  For example, you would not eat at one restaurant, and then pay for the good meal at another restaurant across town.

This process, especially when you regularly tithe 10% of your income to God’s work, invokes on your behalf an already flowing stream of Prosperity.  And, at the same time, it supports the spiritual organization that provides you with your spiritual sustenance and guidance to continue to effectively serve you, and the rest of its members or participants as well.  So, everyone is benefited!

We at AHAM, the ASSOCIATION OF HAPPINESS FOR ALL MANKIND, wish to express our true, heart-felt gratitude if you should choose this ministry to be the recipient of any part of your tithes, gifts, donations and love-offerings.  We see you and your loved ones increasing in the Sight of God, and in the eyes of man, with overflowing health, happiness and prosperity!

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The Practice of Generosity


If you would like to tithe to AHAM please complete the Tithing Covenant Form