Final Talks by A. Ramana given in India in 2009 - 2010These are the last six Sat Sanga talks given by Ramana. Ramana addresses questions from people living in various parts of the world. Perhaps they are questions that you have. He often stated how one's question benefits all that hear it, for there is only one consciousness. And in consciousness, there are no boundaries. February 2 - The Highest Purpose of Life Being free of body-mind identification January 29 - The Gateless Gate Can’t solve problems with the mind, importance of Self-Inquiry January 12 - Seek or Be Free Dealing with life, you can’t leave Awareness January 8 - Life is But a Dream Self-Inquiry, surrender, body-mind identification January 5 - The Show Must Go On Self-Inquiry, awareness, time & space, karma, love January 1 - It's All Perfect Self-Inquiry, surrender, body-mind identification
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