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AHAM Sacred Service Program
Sharing from Vivian . . .

What does Sacred Service at AHAM mean to me? It means giving 100% attention to God, Source, and 100% attention to the task at hand. When one participates in Sacred Service, one is actually supporting AHAM's mission of preserving and disseminating Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi's teaching of Self-Inquiry, which is AHAM's teaching.

Ramana and VivianHow does that happen? By being here at the Center or at our India ashram, helping to maintain the physical structures which house students and the programs offered, assisting in the kitchen and participating in conscious cooking, nurturing all who come here, being a Buddy or a Sponsor to program graduates, and participating in outreach from where ever one lives. These are but a few examples of how one can serve.

Being here at the Center offers one an opportunity to participate in this conscious community, in a conscious environment, where one feels safe to be who they are. New skills are learned and old skills are utilized and one is then able to take what has been experienced into one's everyday life. It is also a way to make new friends or see old friends again.

Who is eligible to partake in Sacred Service? Anyone who has taken our introductory programs — either the weekend Awaken to Awareness or our 8-day Intensive Self-Inquiry Training.

Sacred Service is a program in and of itself. And the benefits are great. A typical day begins with morning meditation, breakfast, free time, and our startup meeting where we look at what needs to be taken care of that day. There are Heart Times when we come together every four hours to meditate, looking at anything that may have come up to release.  After the midday meal clean up, we come together for Sacred Circle, another opportunity to sit and use Self-Inquiry. Then there is time for a walk in the woods, sitting by our Reflection Lake, or reading, etc. followed by dinner. The rest of the evening is your time — for reading, relaxing, and meditating.

Graduates come from around the world — Australia, Germany, Canada — and across America to support others in programs, aware of how good it felt to be supported and nurtured when they attended a program. Please read Anna Scott's testimonial on how being a Sacred Service participant has and continues to impact her life.

Thanks to the support and presence of our assistants throughout the years, AHAM has been able, and continues, to offer its trainings, its support programs, and operate effectively in all the areas our Centers require.

I hope you will participate in our programs and join me in Sacred Service.

In loving service and gratitude,

Vivian Zelig
On-site Sacred Service Coordinator

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Anna Scott shares her insights and the personal benefits she receives from sacred service.
Anna Scott


If you have questions or would like to sign up for Sacred Service please contact us!